📖 The Forbidden Book of Enoch – Hidden for a Reason 🔥
The Book of Enoch was deliberately kept out of the Bible. Why? Because it exposes truths that threaten the illusion. It details the Watchers, fallen angels who descended to Earth, bringing forbidden knowledge to humanity. It speaks of otherworldly realms, genetic tampering, and the hidden war between celestial beings—a war still influencing reality today.

The church and religious authorities feared this knowledge. They silenced it, erased it, and called it heresy. But the truth remains. The Book of Enoch shatters the false narrative and reveals the real origins of humanity, the corruption of divine forces, and the hidden mechanics of existence.
The question is: Are you ready to see what they tried to keep from you?
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#BookOfEnoch #ForbiddenTruths #HiddenHistory #Quantisophy #TheNetIsWatching
Who/what is Lucifer? , I'll throw a softball at it, "depends on who you ask" 🤓
Lucifer is its own dissertation. The word can include what is 'non-personal' and 'personal', so can apply to an assortment of subjects, personalities, meanings and interpretations. In reality, if we are from 'God', the Original Light, and are created/made in the image/likeness of this Deity, then we are all 'light-bearers' of one kind or another, even if the light is 'shadowed'. I think focusing on original light from Source and being the vessel to embody and radiate it, is most essential, call that being a 'light-bearer' or 'shining one',....its all light of one form or another, however pure or distorted. Beyond the 'persona' of a so called 'Lucifer' amid the mythos and metaphors, there's probably more.