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The Statue of Liberty: A Hidden Tribute to Lucifer?

The Statue of Liberty. Seven spikes on the crown. A broken chain at the feet. An apple beneath her stance—subtle, hidden. New York, the Big Apple. A symbol of enlightenment, of freedom… or of something else?

Let’s talk about Lucifer.

The seven spikes? A radiant crown, resembling the halo of sun gods and ancient depictions of enlightened beings. But seven also holds deep esoteric significance—completion, totality, the merging of material and divine. Seven chakras, seven deadly sins, seven days of creation. The chain at her feet? A shackle undone, a binding force released. The Promethean tale, the adversary who gave fire to man, who broke chains of ignorance.

And the apple—always the apple. The fruit of knowledge in Eden, the forbidden taste that shattered innocence, the eternal emblem of choice, defiance, and awakening. New York, the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps. A city of commerce, of light, of hidden hands pulling unseen strings. Who truly stands atop that pedestal? Is it Columbia, the goddess of America? Or is it the Light Bearer, the one who defied God to bring knowledge to humanity?

Lucifer. The Morning Star. The bringer of light.

Is she a goddess of liberty, or a veiled symbol of the original rebel, the one cast down for challenging the supreme? Think beyond the textbook definitions, beyond the patriotic fervor that blinds perception. What does liberty truly mean? And what is the cost of knowledge, of breaking chains, of biting into the forbidden?

Are you still so sure you know what she represents?

#Lucifer #StatueOfLiberty #EsotericSymbols #ForbiddenKnowledge #WakeUp


Who/what is Lucifer? , I'll throw a softball at it, "depends on who you ask" 🤓

Lucifer is its own dissertation. The word can include what is 'non-personal' and 'personal', so can apply to an assortment of subjects, personalities, meanings and interpretations. In reality, if we are from 'God', the Original Light, and are created/made in the image/likeness of this Deity, then we are all 'light-bearers' of one kind or another, even if the light is 'shadowed'. I think focusing on original light from Source and being the vessel to embody and radiate it, is most essential, call that being a 'light-bearer' or 'shining one',....its all light of one form or another, however pure or distorted. Beyond the 'persona' of a so called 'Lucifer' amid the mythos and metaphors, there's probably more.

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