When You Call Out the Bullshit, the Room Goes Silent

It’s a funny thing, isn’t it? How loud people can be when they think they’re safe inside their own delusions. How confident they are when they’re surrounded by a crowd that cheers on their nonsense, their lies, their carefully crafted illusions.
They talk a big game. They double down. They convince themselves—and everyone else—that what they’re pushing is the truth, that they’re the righteous ones, that they’ve got it all figured out.
Until you call them out.
Until you stand there, in front of them, and speak the truth out loud.
Then? Silence.
Because the moment you strip the illusion away, the moment you shine that light on their bullshit, it all starts to crumble. And the people who were so loud just moments ago? They have nothing left to say. They go quiet. They retreat. They disappear. Some of them try to act like they were never part of it. Others try to make excuses, shift the blame, pretend like they were the ones who saw the truth all along. And then there are the ones who just ghost completely—because it’s easier to vanish than to face the reality of their own deception.
It’s predictable. It’s human nature. And it’s proof that most people don’t care about truth. They care about comfort. They care about what makes them feel safe, what makes them feel like they belong. The second you take that away? The second you force them to look at the reality they’ve been avoiding? They run. They shut down. They don’t want to be part of the conversation anymore.
And maybe that’s the best part.
Because when you stand in your truth, when you call things for what they are, when you make it clear that you see the manipulation, the lies, the bullshit—those who thrive in deception can’t handle it. They lose their power. Their game is over. And the only thing left in the air is that heavy, deafening silence.
Call it out anyway. Speak the truth anyway. Let the silence be your confirmation that you hit the nerve you were meant to hit. Watch them disappear. And enjoy the peace.
Because when the noise dies down, all that’s left is what’s real.
#TruthHurts #SilenceSpeaksLouder #ExposeItAll #NoMoreBullshit
Sadly when a group is convened superficially or egoically, the chatter there is mostly shallow, insignicant or bullshit, who knows, I dont really care for parties or big groups like yourself. Im happy to just BE, and have the pure knowing of that 'being', as the 'way' of 'truth', since that is reality.
A position of pure agnosis or as 'agnostic' is honesty without pretense, - acceptance of not knowing what a friggin thing actually is, but that what is, IS. .... which is obvious. Absolute Reality itself is self-cognizing as the "I" of Awareness that sees and knows anything. There is just this ISness. - Just being in Silence is golden, in the stillness and quiet of nature, all nature, your true nature. - the flow of the tao, essence of being and knowing. I AM being and knowing this NOW. - may sound redundant, but it is what it is 😊💜